Caring together for God’s creation
‘This is what God the Lord says - the Creator of the heavens, who stretches them out, who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it, who gives breath to its people, and life to those who walk on it’
Isaiah 42 v 5
As Christians, we believe that God created the planet and tasked us to look after it.
If we are honest, we’ve generally not made a great job of it - as society, as a church, or as individuals. This is our attempt to put this right:
To improve our knowledge of the theology
To increase our awareness of the practical things we can do
To hold ourselves accountable to putting some of them into practice
We are registered with Eco Church, an A Rocha initiative which guides churches throughout the country. Eco Church provides a simple framework to look at our environmental stewardship in five key areas of church life:
Worship and teaching
2. Buildings
3. Land
4. Community engagement
5. Lifestyle
We are currently applying for a formal Eco Church accreditation (Bronze level). That will be nothing other than a starting point from which to improve. Most important is that we do this together, with as many people taking part as possible.
If you would like to get involved in this, or have any ideas or suggestions to share, contact us via email.