Living in community

Living together in community

As a church we want to play our part in serving those in our community who might need some support

Learn more below →

Give help

Volunteer to be part of our Community team. From delivering food parcels 🛵 to making phone calls, helping with events to serving those with additional needs, there are lots of ways to serve and get involved.

Whether you can give your time, resources or money, we’re keen to hear from you. Just get in touch.

Get help

We’re here to help. Find out about our areas of support below.
Get in touch to chat with one of the team. We’re more than happy to help.


James’ Place

Mondays from 6.00PM - 8.00PM

St James Church, N10 3DB

Our community meal open for everyone.

Community café

Tuesdays from 11.00AM - 1.00PM
St James Church, N10 3DB

A chance to make friends and meet others from the community of Muswell Hill, with refreshments and a thought for the day. Pop in, have a chat, and enjoy being together.

Bumps & babies

(Term--time only)
Wednesdays from 9.30AM - 11.00AM
St James Church, N10 3DB

A group for parents/carers of babies to meet other parents who are in the same phase of life, for time to chat, sing and hear a short thought for the day.



(Term-time only)
Wednesdays from 2.30PM - 3.30PM
St James Centre, N10 3DB

A group for seniors and those retired to enjoy time together, sharing afternoon tea, entertainment, refreshments and a chance to make friends.


Challenge group

Challenge Group has now moved to
Muswell Hill Methodist Church
(28 Pages Lane, N10 1PP)
The meeting time is Monday, 10:30am - 12 noon.

A playgroup for families with babies and children with additional needs, to enjoy refreshments and meet others on the same journey.

Wave Church

2nd Sunday of the month from 4.00PM
Methodist Church, N10 1PP

A mixed ability church group where individuals with and without learning disabilities come to worship, with singing, Makaton signing and creative teaching. Find out more here.


Partnered organisations


Soup kitchen

Thursdays from 7.00PM - 8.00PM & Sundays from 4.00PM - 5.00PM
Baptist Church, N10 2PT

For all who need a free hot meal, including those homeless and people with other needs.

Besom in Haringey

Throughout the week
Various locations

Taking referrals from social workers, charities and health visitors to provide support for those who are in practical need, showing love and compassion.


Legal Advice Centre

Free legal advice to those who cannot afford access to justice, empowering people to understand their legal rights, solving legal problems and providing general advice. For information about the three clinics at St James Church, Wilton Community Church and Wood Green Salvation Army Centre, click here.


Explore faith

Life can be wonderful, hard and complex. And at different times we have different questions about meaning and purpose, hope and faith. Get in touch and we’d love to come alongside you in your journey of faith.